AKKUTE TROPICAL INNOVATIONS (P) LIMITED (ATIPL) is a company founded by group of professionals who have rich experience in commercial refrigeration and food service venture in India. We are presenting all our range of products in the name of . We have Sales & services network across India. ATIPL has business alliances with world renowned technology leaders such as TECHNOBLOCK s.r.l - Italy, MIV INSULATING SYSTEMS s.r.l – Italy, to offer superior products and solutions to our customers. We have always focused on our utmost customer satisfaction through superior product quality. Moreover, we have a separate quality auditing team who scrutinize all our products to ensure that all they reinforce the highest standards of productivity, reliability and quality.
A product is only as good as the people behind it on any type of tropical conditions. At our people share a common goal. . to be the best at what we do innovatively . We are problem solvers and master craftsmen who have a reputation for excellence. We know that we are only as good as our last project and for that reason we never take our leadership position in our industry for granted. We build quality into our product from preplanning to follow through.
All of our products are selected to provide you with the optimum solution to your needs. We are happy to share our expertise with you. We offer both standard and custom Walk-in Chambers, Manual and Power Sliding Doors and Accessories, Coolers, Freezers, Kitchen equipment’s and other commercial refrigeration related products. Quotations are prepared promptly based upon your specific needs. We also supply budget information for future project planning purposes.
A.T.I. Pvt. Ltd, owns all patents, license agreements, designs and trademarks for India.
ATIPL "To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service, and self-fulfilment needs of Cold chain needs"
Our Vision is to satisfy customer needs also add value to the equipment investment by reducing costs, improving productivity, ensuring reliability and emphasizing food Safety.
We will do so with unparalleled customer service and environmental stewardship through industry leadership.
We provide complete range of cold chain solutions.
ATIPL’s mission is to " Be the best in the industry"
To nurture lasting customer relationships by anticipating needs and delivering beyond expectations.
To market value added branded products in the domestic and global markets.
To prepare and groom the next generation of young thinkers.
Customer Satisfaction.